Q: What is Practical Day Game? A: Practical Day Game is a subsidiary of The ABCs Of Attraction that focuses on teaching men how to meet, talk to, and attract women during the day. For more info, check out our ABOUT page.
Q: Where are you guys located?
We have offices in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and instructors all across the nation. If
you do not see us listed, or if you are located outside of the United States, contact us HERE to find out
instructor availability.
Q: What is day game
A: Day game is meeting and talking to beautiful women during the day. This can be at coffee shops,
bookstores, college campuses, and more.
Q: Why day game over night game?
A: Day game offers a different environment and set of social dynamics that are not found in night
game. During the day, you have the ability to come off as more genuine and sincere. Meeting someone
and creating a solid connection translates better during the day than during the night, and, though
competition is fierce at night-time venues, day time spots will have little to none. Furthermore, you
have the ability to meet women outside of nightlife etiquette which can turn them into less friendly and
open people.
Q: Who are the instructors?
A: Our instructors have years of experience and have trained under JT Tran, also known as The Asian
Playboy, and have been featured in such media outlets as NBC Bay Area, Fuel TV on Fox, AsianWeek
Magazine, The Verge Magazine, Gawker, and more. To get more information about our instructors,
check out our BIOGRAPHIES.
Q: What if it rains?
A: Under extenuating circumstances such as rain, we are more than happy to accommodate a re-
scheduling that works for you and the instructor. To re-schedule, contact our offices at NUMBER.
Q: What if I have to reschedule?
Q: Is there a minimum age requirement?
A: While there is no age limit to talking to beautiful women during the day, we recommend our clients
be over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, contact us at NUMBER to see if our program is
right for you.
There is no maximum age limit.
Q: What should I wear?
A: Our program takes place during the day and oftentimes outdoors, so wear something that is both
stylish and comfortable.
Q: What should I bring?
A: It is recommended that our clients bring a pen and paper or a laptop, in order to take notes. No audio
or video recording equipment is allowed 🙂
Q: What content is taught?
A: At Practical Day Game, we follow the ABCs Of Attraction structure (INSERT LINK). It is a
framework that you can implement regardless of age, ethnicity, or experience, and it’s as easy as ABC!
Q: What results will I see?
A: All of our clients get results. Results may vary depending on your previous experience and how
hard you are willing to push yourself. The bottom line is: If you follow our advice, you will see vast
Q: How long is the program?
A: Our program spans the course of 2 days, and typically includes 2 hours of lecture and multiple hours
in field.
Q: Will my identity be disclosed?
A: NO. All identities are kept confidential. We understand that discretion is necessary for some people
due to their personal life, line of work, or various other reasons. Your identity is safe with us.
Q: How can I sign up?
I’m glad you asked! Click HERE to get started.
What is Modern Asian Man: Your Dating Guide to Complete Social Success ?: -This book is author JT Tran’s journey through the world of pick up going from nerdy wallflower to master PUA. You will learn how to:
Smash your limiting beliefs about scarcity, insecurity and humiliation -No! This method can work for any guy from any type of background. The ABC method can applied to any type of personality and help you up your game. It’s a misconception that this material will only work for Asians because JT is Asian. Is this about sex or about getting a girlfriend? -This book can be used in any way you choose. If you follow the step by step method and JT’s advice, you can do whatever you like. This book will help you have choice in what you do. I’m trying to ask this one girl out… -READ THE BOOK 🙂 Is this about dating only white girls -No way! This book is about creating choice in your life. JT feels that is you want to get better with girls, why would you want to limit yourself to only talking to white girls? His advice can be applied to interactions with any emotionally healthy girl. Do you hate on Asian girls? -JT doesn’t discriminate against any race. In fact, he’s dated girls from a full range of cultures. Jt simply encourages guys to talk to girls outside of their comfort zones and for many guys this happens to be not Asian girls. Do white girls not find Asian men attractive? -No. White girls simply don’t think of many Asians in a sexual way because of their past experiences with them. For example, most white girls tend to see Asian males as the friend or tutor. What do I get when I buy Modern Asian Man?: -You will receive account access and a password to view over 200 pages of content in an online portal. How can I get a refund? -Though we are 100% sure you won’t want a refund, we do offer a 60 day, money back guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied with the product, you will have up to 60 days after purchase to request a refund. |